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2025年度AURA美女 自慰 亚洲城市更新奖 Asia Urban Renewal Award 报告搜集见知 大赛配景 大赛配景 BACKGROUND 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 伴跟着大数据、东谈主工智能、移动互联、云估计等信息时刻的茂盛发展,多数新业态、新模式、新组合、新时刻日眉月异,洪水横流,不仅深入编削着东谈主们的坐褥和生计方式,也势必会对城市结构和空间步地、治理方式带来遑急影响。 With the vigorous development of information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet, and cloud computing, a large number of new business forms, new models, new combinations, and new technologies are emerging with each passing day, which not only profoundly changes people's production and lifestyles, but will also inevitably have an important impact on urban structure, spatial pattern, and governance methods. 在此配景下,如安在现存的基础武艺救济下,颐养空间结构和使勤劳能,激勉经济和生态后劲,再次让城市茂盛新的活力?这将是很多亚洲城市必须面临的遑急课题。 In this context, how to adjust the spatial structure and use functions under the support of existing infrastructure, stimulate economic and ecological potential, and revitalize the city? This will be an important issue that many Asian cities must face. “AURA亚洲城市更新奖”以促进城市可合手续发展为愿景,勤苦于于疏通和探寻以前城市建设新范式。在本届赛事搜集和评审过程中,将联袂国内生手业大家和媒体,举办多场专题学术和展览展示行径,最大放胆地传播城市更新学问、优秀案例与见效教学。 Asia Urban Renewal Award aims to promote sustainable urban development and is committed to exchanging and exploring new paradigms for future urban construction. During the collection and review process of this competition, we will work with domestic and foreign industry experts and media to hold a number of special academic and exhibition activities to maximize the dissemination of urban renewal knowledge, excellent cases and successful experiences. 奖项主意 奖项主意 AWARD PURPOSE 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 亚洲城市更新奖(Asia Urban Renewal Awards, 英文简称:AURA), 旨在寻找和挖掘在城市更新规模中具有翻新性、示范性和执行价值的寥落表情及发展模式,褒奖对城市可续性发展、功能提高、生态环境改善、东谈主文传承、细腻化治理等方面具有股东作用及示范真谛的治理范式、作品、时刻和东谈主物。通过寥落、宣传和执行优秀的程序,为城市发展提供多元化的治理有蓄意,引颈城市更新高质料发展,并为获奖者提供展示见效与才华的舞台。 The Asia Urban Renewal Award aims to find and explore outstanding projects and development models with innovative, exemplary and promotional value in the field of urban renewal, and commend governance paradigms, works, technologies and figures that have driving and exemplary significance for urban sustainable development, functional improvement, ecological environment improvement, cultural heritage, refined governance, etc. By highlighting, publicizing and promoting excellent examples, it provides diversified solutions for urban development, leads the high-quality development of urban renewal, and provides a stage for winners to showcase their success and talents. 大赛奖牌方式@AURA 奖项建树 奖项建树 AWARD SETTINGS 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 亚洲城市更新奖(AURA)共建树四大报告类别,辩认为: 01. 城市更新想象奖 02. 城市再开荒与运营奖 03. 城市更新科技奖 04. 城市更新东谈主物与企业奖 每个大类又阐述更新对象、用途、专科等建树几许个子项奖. 每个类别建树金奖、银奖、优秀奖三个奖项(企业与东谈主物奖以外),奖项数目阐述报告总额按比例建树。 The Asia Urban Renewal Award has four major application categories, namely "Urban Renewal Design Award", "Urban Redevelopment and Operation Award", "Urban Renewal Technology Award", and "Urban Renewal Person and Firm Award". Each major category has several sub-awards based on the renewal object, purpose, profession, etc. Each category has three awards: Gold Award, Silver Award, and Excellence Award (except for Enterprise and Person Award), and the number of awards is set in proportion to the total number of applications. 大赛经由 大赛经由 AWARD AGENDA 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 亚洲城市更新奖(AURA)评比分为报告、初评和终评三个阶段。初评阶段决定参选是否入围,终评阶段由国表里驰名大家构成的评审团,对入围作品进行评比,最终角逐出各个类别的金奖、银奖。 The Asia Urban Renewal Award (AURA) selection consists of three stages: application, preliminary review and final review. The preliminary review stage determines whether the entry is shortlisted. In the final review stage, a jury composed of well-known domestic and foreign experts will select the shortlisted works and finally compete for the gold and silver awards in each category. 报告规模 报告规模 ELIGIBLE PROJECTS 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 近5年内立项想象、建设中、完工及已运营的各样城市更新表情,具体包括: 橾p在线观看Various urban renewal projects that have been approved for design, under construction, completed, or in operation in the past five years, including: 01. 大众空间类 Public Space Category 绿地、街谈、广场、公园、大众武艺附庸空间、交通基础武艺附庸空间。 green spaces, streets, squares, parks, spaces attached to public facilities, and spaces attached to transportation infrastructure. 02. 生态建造类 Ecological Restoration Category 棕地改进、湿地及滨水岸线生态建造、山体建造。 brownfield transformation, wetland and waterfront ecological restoration, mountain restoration. 03. 产业商办类 Industrial and Commercial Category 工业厂房、仓储物流、产业园区、老旧办公楼、交易楼宇。 industrial factories, warehousing and logistics, industrial parks, old office buildings, and commercial buildings. 04. 大众武艺类 Public Facilities Category 体育体育场馆、文教武艺、医颐养老武艺、科研武艺、酒店及度假武艺、失业游乐武艺、殡葬武艺、市政基础武艺。 sports venues, cultural and educational facilities, medical and elderly care facilities, scientific research facilities, hotels and resort facilities, leisure and recreation facilities, funeral facilities, and municipal infrastructure. 05. 住区类 Residence Category 危旧楼房、老旧小区。 dilapidated buildings&old residential communities. 06. 区域玄虚类 Regional Mixed-use Category 站城一体化开荒、城中村改进、历史文化街区、旧工业区。 station-city integrated development, village-in-city renovation, historical and cultural blocks, and old industrial areas. 报告主体 报告主体 WHO MAY SUBMIT 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 政府部门、投资企业、开荒企业、运营治理公司、工程勘探想象企业、施工企业、揣度参谋人公司、学术机构、科研单元等与城市更新联系的各样机构。 Government departments, investment companies, development companies, operation and management companies, design firms, construction companies, consulting companies, academic institutions, scientific research units and other institutions related to urban renewal. 评审团成员 评审团成员 JURY MEMBERS 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 亚洲城市更新奖(AURA)的评委来自不同国度和专科规模,均为行业内资深大家,领有不同专科配景和高大的视线,包括开荒、想象、运营、行政事理、法律等,大要从多个维度和视角对参赛表情进行平允、客不雅的评价。 The judges of the Asian Education Environment Design Award come from different countries and fields. They are all senior experts in the industry with different professional backgrounds and broad vision, including development, design, operation, administration, law, etc. They can evaluate the participating projects fairly and objectively from multiple dimensions and perspectives. 评审原则 评审原则 JUDGING PRINCIPLES 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 1. 各奖项金奖数目不高于入围数目的20%,银奖数目不高于入围数目的35%。 The number of gold awards for each award shall not exceed 20% of the number of shortlisted entries, and the number of silver awards shall not exceed 35% of the number of shortlisted entries. 2. 金奖分值为80-90分,银奖分值为70-80分。每个表情去掉最高分值和最低分值后,取其对等分。 The gold award is worth 80-90 points, and the silver award is worth 70-80 points. After removing the highest and lowest scores for each project, the average score is taken. 3. 扫数报告表情在评审过程中,均选定匿名的方式,表情想象单元、主创团队称呼均不在评审而已中体现。 All application projects will be anonymous during the review process, and the names of the project design units and main creative teams will not be reflected in the review materials. 4. 逃匿轨制,评委场所单元报告本奖的,评委本东谈主将不可参与该项方针评审。 The avoidance system means that if the unit where the judge works applies for this award, the judge himself will not be able to participate in the evaluation of the project. 5. 评价总则:通过重建、改进、保育或玄虚整治,终了表情或区域举座品性提高与东谈主居环境改善,并能产生较好经济效益、社会效益、东谈主文生态效益;有助于股东城市产业导入和转型升级,有助于城市历史和社会文脉不息与传承,有助于创建包容性、平允正义的社会环境;促进城市细腻化治理与运营,促进城市更新愈加感性、多元化的参与方式,促进城市更新追求愈加丰富的、更具精神真谛和文化招供的价值内涵。 General evaluation principles: Through reconstruction, transformation, conservation or comprehensive improvement, the overall quality of the project or region can be improved, the living environment can be improved, and good economic benefits, social benefits, and humanistic and ecological benefits can be generated; it can help promote the introduction and transformation and upgrading of urban industries, help the continuation and inheritance of urban history and social context, and help create an inclusive, fair and just social environment; it can promote refined urban management and operation, promote more rational and diversified participation in urban renewal, and promote urban renewal to pursue richer value connotations with greater spiritual significance and cultural identity. 奖项报告 奖项报告 AWARD APPLICATION 2025 Asia Urban Renewal Award 1. 本次赛事组织和运营做事由北京中外友联建筑文化疏通中心、城更空间(天津)文化传播有限公司共同承担,由其堤防报告而已收罗与整理、合作与组织各项评审事宜并堤防报告单元揣度职责。 The organization and operation services of this competition are jointly undertaken by UnionFriendship Association of Architecture & Engineering and UR Space (Tianjin) Culture Communication Co., Ltd., which are responsible for collecting and collating the application materials, coordinating and organizing various review matters, and consulting the applicants. 2. 本次赛事所触及的用度发票由城更空间(天津)文化传播有限公司堤防开具。 The invoices for expenses related to this event will be issued by UR Space (Tianjin) Culture Communication Co., Ltd. 3. 具体报告所需而已、报告经由等信息,请通过电话或微信向职责主谈主员索要。 Please contact the staff by phone or WeChat for specific information on required application materials, application procedures, etc. 4. 揣度电话&微信(添加时请标注"城更奖揣度"):13683296155;13121981335。 Consultation phone number & WeChat (please mark "AURA Award Consulting" when adding):13683296155;13121981335。 美女 自慰 |